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contoh kalimat jersey shore

"jersey shore" terjemahan bahasa Inggris  
  • I am way cooler then those Jersey Shore douchebags!
    Aku lebih keren daripada Jersey Shore !
  • That little short bitch from Jersey Shore.
    si wanita keparat kecil dari Jersey Shore.
  • Not the douchebags from the Jersey Shore.
    Bukan para brengsek di Jersey Shore.
  • Was it the fourth or fifth night at the Jersey shore?
    Apakah itu keempat atau kelima malam di Jersey shore?
  • It doesn't touch the Jersey Shore.
    Di sini tak tersentuh Jersey Shore.
  • I caught jersey shore here staring at me through my bedroom door!
    Aku memergoki Jersey Shore ini mengintipku di kamar!
  • Snacking on Salt Water Taffy on the Jersey Shore
    Ngemil Taffy Garam Air di Jersey Shore
  • Pictures from the Jersey Shore circa 1905 "On the beach, Atlantic City", show ice cream sandwiches were popular at 1¢ each.
    Lukisan dari Jersey Shore sekitar tahun 1905 "Di pantai, Atlantic City", menunjukkan roti lapis es krim populer dengan harga masing-masing 1 ¢ (satu sen).
  • Despite their relative rarity, many people fear shark attacks after occasional serial attacks, such as the Jersey Shore shark attacks of 1916, and horror fiction and films such as the Jaws series.
    Meskipun relatif jarang, banyak orang yang takut akan serangan hiu setelah serangan berantai yang terjadi sesekali, seperti serangan hiu Jersey Shore 1916, dan cerita fiksi dan film horor seperti serial Jaws.
  • With a papal sanction, the archway entrance of the century-old Jersey Shore house of worship will serve as a passageway of plenary indulgence a little-known Catholic belief offering all that passes through it a morally clean slate.
    Dengan sanksi kepausan, pintu gerbang of the century-old Jersey Shore house of worship Akan berfungsi sebagai sebuah lorong dari indulgensi sedikit yg tau Katolik menawarkan semua yang melewati itu Batu tulis bersih secara moral.
  • For those of you who haven't followed the news an unidentified homeless man who was accosted and severely beaten at the New Jersey Shore last Tuesday lies in critical but stable condition in one of that area's hospitals.
    Bagi Anda yang belum mengikuti berita Seorang pria tunawisma tak dikenal yang disapa Dan dipukuli di New Jersey Shore Selasa lalu dirawat pada kondisi kritis namun stabil di salah satu rumah sakit setempat.
  • Color ID lets you assign custom LED color combinations by contact when you receive BBMs, texts, emails and calls. With over 100 possible color combinations including "Disco", "Jersey Shore", "Creamsicle" and "Double Rainbow" & unlimited custom contacts, seeing who's contacting you has never been more awesome.
    ID Warna memungkinkan Anda menetapkan kombinasi kustom warna LED oleh kontak ketika Anda menerima BBMs, teks, email dan panggilan. Dengan lebih dari 100 kombinasi warna yang mungkin termasuk "Disco", "Jersey Shore", "creamsicle" dan "Double Rainbow" & kontak kustom terbatas, melihat siapa yang menghubungi Anda tidak pernah lebih mengagumkan